Kalkan…With its tens of thousands of years of history.

Etrituminehi, Artymnessos, Kalamaki, Kalkan…. Respectively in Luwian, ancient Greek, modern Greek, and finally in Turkish. The first known visitors of these lands on the Teke Peninsula, whose history is estimated to date back to 3500 BC, are the Lukka people from Anatolia. Afterwards, the Hittites, Persians, Macedonians, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, and Seljuks fought for these beautiful lands, built lives, and finally, the first Ottoman banner was erected in Lycia in 1390 by Yıldırım Beyazıt. Even after many wars and earthquakes, our surroundings are still filled with the ruins of the beautiful cities of the magnificent Lycian civilization. Archaeological excavations have been going on for 32 years. These world-famous historical places are closer to you than you think. - The entrance gate of the city with the 3-legged triumphal arch, the Lycian parliament building, the lighthouse of Nero and the Roman baths, the famous Patara Ancient City, 13 km away,The Letoon Ancient City with the temples of Leto, Artemis and Apollo, 18 km away, - Xantos, the capital of Lycia with its magnificent tombs, 16 km away, - The mysterious Sidyma full of gigantic oak trees, 38 km away, - Dodurga, Pinara, 44 km away, - The magnificent Boncuk Mountains, historically Antikragos located among thousands of years old olive trees, 44 km away, myra, with the tomb of Santa Claus and one of the largest amphitheater in the world in Anatolian lands, 68 km away, - Tlos, the ruler of the Kragos Mountains, known as Akdaglar

who sent the brave warrior Skylakeus to the Trojan War and famous for its pottery, 57 km away,antiphellos, one of the most important port cities of the time, i.e. beloved Kaş, where the scenery is the deep blue of Mediterranean, with its amphitheater where concerts are still being performed and the most beautiful sarcophagus of the region, 27 km away - Kaleköy, one of the most beautiful spots on earth, located in Kekova (Sunken City), the ancient city of Simena, which means the holy motherland, with its medieval castle along with one of the earliest theaters in Lycia


A 200-seat tiny theater completely carved into the rocks, many sarcophagi entwined with centuries-old olive trees, and living areas, some of which are visible under water, 58 km away from Kalkan.
